mercredi 12 mars 2008


While i was undergoing workshop organised by avocat sans frontiere i met someone who for the first time showed munch interest on me even thought it was almost the first time to talk to me. I was really surprised because i was used to live my life lonely , bearing in mind that no one cares on me, brefly it was ME,MYSELF AND I. Such thing astonished me to the extent that i began to have a new look of the life. the Girl's name NICOLE MUTIMUKEYE For my fist time i divulgated the deep of my psychological probrems and even my hidden agenda why not my great secrete. After all i owe much respect on her and on her advises. So in case you meett such king of things do not be astonished b'se the world my be better more than you think it to be. Be blessed.

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